Destiny Reckons us this time I guess !!!!!!!!!!!

The world cup of Cricket for the ODI format would be in 2011 and as most of us know it would be in the Asian sub continent. People who have been following the IPL would accept the fact that there are two big factors that are favouring Indian team.


The Indian weather in the season of March-May

The foreign contingent in IPL this time have not been able to bear the Indian weather for 20 overs. With matches to be surely slated to happen in port cities like Chennai, Mumbai would be worse. With the WC to be in the summer of 2011, trust me the foreigners are going to find it a hell lot difficult to cope up to our kind of summers and especially with the matches now being a 50-50 over format. Substitutes, fitness of players and other factors would be crucial. Captains would be required to use their substitutes effectively and intelligently.


The Indian spectators.

Hardly do people wonder the significance of the human thought power. The ancient civilization always knew that the mind holds many a solutions to the problems of the world and man has never ever known how to use his mind consciousness for benefit of the fellow beings.
A scientific study has revealed that even the most powerful intellects of our society use 35% of their mind.Another research showed that when a group of people wish/hope for a particular event/happening, the probability of the event happening is more.
For ex: in a classroom there are 100 students and consider two situations. In situtation one, only 10% of the students wish for a power cut during the class. In situation two, 60% of the class wishes for the same event. The scientific study suggests that as the people who want the event to happen is more in case two, the probability of that happening is more compared to scenario one. Its the modern day, ancient discovery where scientists now do not consider "thought" as just a random idea or event happening in the mind. Thought is also seen as a physical entity, something which can be measurable, tangible and expressed.
One of the major factor then would be the crowd support. Imagine a 30000 odd capacity stadium with atleast 70% of the crowd supporting the Indian team. The thoughts of the crowd can definitely have an impact on the morale of the team. But one major draw back of the Indian sports crowd is we are too greedy and choosy. As individuals we would always accept that each one of us might have an off day. But as spectators we always expect top knotch cricket from our players. Any failure or collapse on an one off day is totally unacceptable. Even in matches where we perform like morons for the first half, the audience support has always been lacking.
What we need to realise it that no matter how our team performs, it's our team. 11 individuals representing the entire nation, each and every one of us. The pressure on them is immense and trust me talking is far far easy than doing. For a change , lets understand that we as the supporters need to encourage our team. There might be instances where we may be off colour. But it is up to us that we stay behind our men in all situations and encourage them. Our encouragement can actually lift the team and also create a sense of panick in the opposition.
Lets prove that even in the field of sports the GEN-X is not like the previous ones. Remember the disgusting scenes of Eden gardens in the 1996 WC ? Lets not make things like that this time around. Let us pledge the never ending support to our heroes who would be playing on the homeground. Let us make them feel and realise that we are not bothered about the result. Let's give the hope and strength to the 11 people on field that they have 11 billion hearts praying for their success. And above all

" Let us pledge our never ending support to our heroes, irrespective of the results"


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